Participate by Phone

Provide Insights by Phone Interview

Share in-depth knowledge with the 451 Alliance


Do you have first-hand insights on how your organization uses technology? You may be eligible to participate in the 451 Alliance’s in-depth interview (IDI) research program. Complete this form to apply.


How in-depth interviews work

Qualified members participate in fully anonymous in-depth-interviews (IDIs) - with 451 Alliance staff. IDIs are conducted by phone and last approximately 30 minutes, and the commentary you provide helps inform 451 Research analysts into key developments in IT trends. 

Those insights – including anonymized excerpts of the interviews – are then delivered back to IDI participants and all 451 Alliance members in research reports, webinars, and member digests, as outlined in the 451 Alliance membership benefits.

IDIs are conducted on the following IT topics:

  • Cloud, Hosting, and Managed Services
  • IT Infrastructure
  • IoT
  • Information Security​


Note that your personal information, the name of your employer, and any identifying information will remain completely anonymous. You will never be asked to disclose confidential information as part of research interviews.

Qualification requirements

  • Currently employed 
  • Directly involved with or knowledgeable about how your organization (or one you provide services to) implements IT infrastructure, information security, IoT or cloud computing technology
  • Willing to have a 30-minute one-on-one interview by phone
  • English language speaker

Benefits of participation


Participants will enjoy the entire suite of 451 Alliance member benefits, including full on-demand access to our IT research reports, webinars, and newsletters. 

Your anonymized contributions will help enlighten the entire 451 Alliance membership, a global community of IT professionals and executives who share IT knowledge among peers.

Want to be interviewed?


Complete the following form and our membership team will follow up with you over email about scheduling your interview.