Trust and privacy sentiments remain forces for consumer loyalty


In Europe, consumer-facing industries became more privacy-centric as early as 2018 due to the EU’s enacting of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Last year, the US began to put forth similar data privacy legislation, known as the American Data Privacy Protection Act (ADPPA), which is in line with demands from US consumers in regard to federal protections. 

As the ADPPA has yet to become law, the onus is on organizations to meet the wishes of their customers in order to bolster trust. In this report, we highlight several takeaways from our Connected Customer, Trust & Privacy 2023 study, which is an annual survey conducted to gauge consumer sentiments around data privacy and security, trust and confidence in personal banking and financial services, and needs versus wants when it comes to a safer digital customer experience.

The full report is only available to 451 Alliance members.